Using REST

Users can interact with the nodes in the network using REST.

Using REST, users can execute EdgeLake commands over HTTP on any node in the network that is configured to satisfy REST requests.


  • A REST client software like cUrL or Postman
  • An EdgeLake Node that provides a REST connection. To configure an EdgeLake Node to satisfy REST calls, issue the following command on the EdgeLake command line:
<run rest server where 
   external_ip = [external_ip ip] and 
   external_port = [external port] and 
   internal_ip = [internal ip] and 
   internal_port = [internal port] and 
   timeout = [timeout] and 
   ssl = [true/false] and 
   bind = [true/false] 

HTTP methods supported

EdgeLake commands are supported using the HTTP methods GET, PUT and POST.

  • GET is used to retrieve information.
  • PUT is used to add data to nodes in the network.
  • POST is used as a default method to execute all other EdgeLake commands.
HTTP MethodEdgeLake commandsComments
GETsqlIssue queries to data hosted by nodes of the network
getRetrieve information from nodes members of the network
blockchain getQuery the metadata
helpHelp on the ANyLog commands
POSTsetSet values or change status
resetReset values or status
blockchainManage metadata commands (note the `blockchain get` is supported using GET)
PUTcommandpublish time-series data to node

Sample cURL Requests

GET requests

  • get status - check whether a node is active or not
curl --location --request GET '' \
    --header 'command: get status' \
    --header 'User-Agent: AnyLog/1.23'
  • blockchain get operator where company='New Company' - get list of all operators owned by New Company
curl --location --request GET '' \
    --header 'command: blockchain get operator where company="New Company" \
    --header 'User-Agent: AnyLog/1.23'
  • sql new_company format=table "select * from rand_data where timestamp >= NOW() - 1 minute limit 5;" - Sample SELECT request
curl --location --request GET '' \
    --header 'command:sql new_company format=table "select * from rand_data where timestamp >= NOW() - 1 minute limit 5;"' \
    --header 'User-Agent: AnyLog/1.23' \
    --header 'destination: network'

POST request

The POST command provides support for both publishing data and all other, non-GET commands.

When sending data via POST, there’s a need for mapping between the data comming and organazing it; similar to MQTT. Farther details regardin run msg client can be found in subscribing to rest calls in AnyLog documentation.

<run msg client where broker=rest and port=!anylo_rest_port and user-agennt=anylog/1.23 and log=false and topic=(
  name=new_data and 
  dbms=bring [dbms] and 
  table=bring [table] and 
  column.timestam.timestamp=bring [timestamp] and 
  column.value=(type=int and value=bring [value]) 

Sample Calls:

  • Adding Data
curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'command: data' \
  --header 'topic: new_data' \
  --header 'User-Agent: AnyLog/1.23' \
  --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
  --data-raw ' [{"dbms" : "aiops", "table" : "fic11", "value": 50, "timestamp": "2019-10-14T17:22:13.051101Z"},
    {"dbms" : "aiops", "table" : "fic16", "value": 501, "timestamp": "2019-10-14T17:22:13.050101Z"},
    {"dbms" : "aiops", "table" : "ai_mv", "value": 501, "timestamp": "2019-10-14T17:22:13.050101Z"}]'
  • Reset (error) log
curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'User-Agent: AnyLog/1.23' \
  --header 'command: reset error log'
  • Set value
curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'User-Agent: AnyLog/1.23' \
  --header 'command: set company_name=AnyLog'
  • Publish Blockchain Policy
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'command: blockchain push !new_policy' \
  -H 'User-Agent: AnyLog/1.23' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '<new_policy={"panel": {"name": "panel 1", "city": "Los Angeles, CA", "loc": "33.8121, -117.91899", "owner": "AFG"}}>'

PUT request

Use a REST client software (such as cURL or Postman) and issue a PUT command to send the data with the following keys and values in the header

typeThe type of data transferred. The default value is JSON.
dbmsThe logical database to contain the data.
tableThe logical table to contain the data.
sourceA unique ID to identify the data source (i.e. an ID of a sensor).
modeFile or Streaming (see details below). The default value is 'file'.
instructionsAn ID of a policy that determines the mapping of the file data to the table's structure.
curl --location --request PUT '' \
    --header 'type: json' \
    --header 'dbms: test' \
    --header 'table: table1' \
    --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
    --header 'User-Agent: AnyLog/1.23' \
    -w "\n" \ 
    --data-raw '[{"parentelement": "62e71893-92e0-11e9-b465", "webid": "F1AbEfLbwwL8F6EiS", "device_name": "ADVA FSP3000R7", "value": 0, "timestamp": "2019-10-11T17:05:08.0400085Z"}, 
                 {"parentelement": "68ae8bef-92e1-11e9-b465", "webid": "F1AbEfLbwwL8F6EiS", "device_name": "Catalyst 3500XL", "value": 50, "timestamp": "2019-10-14T17:22:13.0510101Z"}, 
                 {"parentelement": "68ae8bef-92e1-11e9-b465", "webid": "F1AbEfLbwwL8F6EiS", "device_name": "Catalyst 3500XL", "value": 50, "timestamp": "2019-10-14T17:22:18.0360107Z"}]'

Expected Output: {"AnyLog.status":"Success", "AnyLog.hash": "0dd6b959e48c64818bf4748e4ae0c8cb" }