Using Postman against EdgeLake Network

Postman is an API platform that can serve as a tool to issue EdgeLake Commands to nodes in the EdgeLake Network and as a tool to issue queries to data in the network.

Commands and queries through Postman can be issues with SSL enabled or disabled.

Download Postman here:

Without SSL

To run EdgeLake queries using Postman without SSL enabled, follow the following steps:

  1. Open Postman
  2. Create a collection
  3. Add a request
  4. Enter the request URL and port number (the URL can also be an IP address)
  5. Add 2 header keys: "User-Agent" and "command" with values "AnyLog/1.23" and "[query command]", respectively:
  6. Press send, and wait for a response

With SSL

For SSL, the explanation on generating the needed files is available at the Using SSL Certificates section.

To run EdgeLake queries using Postman with SSL enabled, follow the following steps:

  1. Open Postman
  2. Create a collection
  3. Add a request
  4. Enter the request URL and port number with "https://" prepended (the URL can also be an IP address)
  5. Add 2 header keys:
        "command": "[Query Command]",
        "User-Agent": "AnyLog/1.23"
  6. In "Settings" turn off the toggle for "Enable SSL certificate verification"
  7. In "Default Settings" add the certificate (public key) of the certificate authority
  8. Add your certificate and private key pair given by the certificate authority