
Syslog is a standardized protocol used for sending and receiving log messages in a computer network. It facilitates the collection and centralization of system logs from various devices and applications for monitoring, analysis, and troubleshooting.

Given its importance to manage any system, EdgeLake allows to gather this information (using rsyslog), then querying it in the same manner as other time-series data. This allows to better manage the status of machine(s) more easily and from a single point; as opposed to manually acess each machine separately.

Syslog Formats

SysLog is delivered from each machine in one of 2 formats:

  • The traditional BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) format, specified in RFC 3164.
  • The newer IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) format, specified in RFC 5424.

BSD format includes the following attributes:

  1. Priority: Enclosed in angle brackets (< and >). It’s a numeric value that combines the facility and severity (e.g., <34>).
  2. Timestamp: Immediately follows the priority. It’s typically in the format MMM dd hh:mm:ss (e.g., Jan 12 23:34:56).
  3. Hostname or IP Address: Follows the timestamp. It’s the name or IP address of the device that sent the message.
  4. Tag: Often a process name or application identifier, potentially followed by a process ID in square brackets (e.g., sshd[3268]).
  5. Message: The actual log message text, following the tag.

IETF Format

  1. Priority: Similar to the BSD format, enclosed in angle brackets.
  2. Version: A single digit indicating the syslog protocol version (e.g., 1).
  3. Timestamp: More precise than BSD format, often in the ISO 8601 format.
  4. Hostname: As in BSD format.
  5. Application: The name of the application or process generating the message.
  6. Process ID (PID): The PID of the process.
  7. Message ID: A unique identifier for the type of message.
  8. Structured Data: Enclosed in square brackets, containing key-value pairs for additional data.
  9. Message: The actual log message text.

Setting up Syslog & EdgeLake

On the Machine Side

The following provides directions for using rsyslog. The same directions can be applied to syslg-ng if preferred.

  1. Install rsyslog
    sudo apt-get -y update
    sudo apt -y install rsyslog
    sudo service rsyslog start
  2. Validate rsyslog is running
    root@localhost:~# tail -f /var/log/syslog
    Feb 25 02:55:47 localhost systemd[31139]: Reached target Basic System.
    Feb 25 02:55:47 localhost systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 0.
    Feb 25 02:55:47 localhost systemd[1]: Started Session 197 of User root.
    Feb 25 02:55:47 localhost systemd[31139]: Reached target Main User Target.
    Feb 25 02:55:47 localhost systemd[31139]: Startup finished in 160ms.
    Feb 25 02:55:52 localhost systemd-udevd[400]: Network interface NamePolicy= disabled on kernel command line, ignoring.
    Feb 25 02:55:53 localhost systemd[31139]: Started D-Bus User Message Bus.
    Feb 25 02:55:53 localhost dbus-daemon[31261]: [session uid=0 pid=31261] AppArmor D-Bus mediation is enabled
    Feb 25 02:55:53 localhost systemd[31139]: Started snap.docker.docker-6d2688ea-6061-49f4-bb62-b2bbe1e1d054.scope.
    Feb 25 02:55:54 localhost systemd[31139]: Started snap.docker.docker-0c97bdf4-f93e-440f-9034-4a41e5ff56d0.scope.

On EdgeLake Side

  1. Make sure the message broker is running either via configurations / policy or manually (as shown)
    <run message broker where
        external_ip=!external_ip and external_port=!anylog_broker_port and
        internal_ip=!ip and internal_port=!anylog_broker_port and
        bind=!broker_bind and threads=!broker_threads>
  2. Due to the quantity of data coming in via syslog, we recommend partitioning and cleaning it automatically. (This step should be done on operator node)
    partition !default_dbms syslog using !partition_column by !partition_interval
    schedule time=12 hours and name="Drop Partition Sync - Syslog" task drop partition where dbms=!default_dbms and table=syslog and keep=3

Connect between Syslog & EdgeLake

Syslog rule engine on EdgeLake

The following rule accepts Syslog data from one or multiple nodes:

<set msg rule [rule name] if 
    ip = [IP address] and port = [port] and 
    header = [header text] then dbms = [dbms name] and table = [table name] and 
    syslog = [true/false] and format = [data format] and topic = [topic name]> 

The following chart summarizes the command options:

Rule NameYA unique name that identifies the rule.
IPNA source IP that is assigned to the rule. If IP is not provided, the rule will apply to messages from every source IP.
PortNA source port that is assigned to the rule. If port is not provided, the rule will apply to all ports of from source IPs.
HeaderNAssign the rules to messages with a specified header. Note: headers can be added using one of the syslog redirecting tools (see example below).
DBMSYA database name that will host the syslog data. Use the command get databases to see that the database is enabled on the operator node.
TableYA table name to host the syslog data on the node.
syslogNA True/False value to indicate syslog data. Unless format is specified, the destination structure represents the BSD format of syslog.
formatNA different format than BSD.
topicNA topic to assign to the syslog data. Data that is assigned to a topic is treated like MQTT data and can be manipulated using a policy.
structureNIf the value is assigned is included, the structure of the data is provided by the first event. See example 3 below.


  1. If syslog option is enabled, column names are pre-determined (by default as BSD or with format = IETF). If syslog option is not enabled, structure needs to detail the structure of the source data.
  2. For SysLog data stream, enable CR and LF to end of message.
  3. structure = included designates that the first event describes the structure. Examples:

Deployment Steps

  1. On EdgeLake side - Set configurations message rule to accept syslog data
    set msg rule syslog_rule if ip = !ip then dbms = !default_dbms and table = syslog and syslog = true
  2. At the bottom of /etc/rsyslog.conf add the following lines
    • DESTINATION_IP - EdgeLake Operator or Publisher IP address associated with the Message Broker
    • DESTINATION_PORT - EdgeLake Operator or Publisher port address associated with the Message Broker
    $template remote-incoming-logs, "/var/log/remote/%HOSTNAME%.log"
    *.* ?remote-incoming-logs
    *.* action(type="omfwd" target="{DESTINATION_IP}" port="{DESTINATION_PORT}" protocol="tcp")
  3. Restart rsyslog
    sudo service rsyslog restart

Test & Querying syslog

  1. Execute update / upgrade against the node
    sudo apt-get -y update
    sudo apt-get -y upgrade
  2. On the EdgeLake instance that's accepting syslog, users should see data coming in
    AL anylog-operator +> get msg rules
    Name        IF            IF    IF      THEN        THEN   THEN    THEN   THEN       Batches Events Errors Error Msg 
                Source IP     Port  Header  DBMS        Table  SysLog  Topic  Structure                                  
    syslog_rule||*    |       |new_company|syslog|True   |      |          |     18|    32|     0|         |
  3. Through the query node, users can query the data
    # row count 
    AL anylog-query +> run client () sql new_company format=table "select count(*) from syslog" 
    AL anylog-query +> 
    {"Statistics":[{"Count": 1,
                    "Nodes": 1}]}
    # sample data
    AL anylog-query +> run client () sql new_company "select * from syslog limit 10"             
    AL anylog-query +> 
              "insert_timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:18:35.023262",
              "timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:17:27.000000",
              "message":"Invalid user lighthouse from port 45126"},
              "insert_timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:18:35.023262",
              "timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:17:27.000000",
              "message":"pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown"},
              "insert_timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:18:35.023262",
              "timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:17:27.000000",
              "message":"pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tt
                        y=ssh ruser= rhost= "},
              "insert_timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:18:35.023262",
              "timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:17:29.000000",
              "message":"Failed password for invalid user lighthouse from port 4
                        5126 ssh2"},
              "insert_timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:18:35.023262",
              "timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:17:29.000000",
              "message":"Received disconnect from port 45126:11: Bye Bye [preaut
              "insert_timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:18:35.023262",
              "timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:17:29.000000",
              "message":"Disconnected from invalid user lighthouse port 45126 [p
              "insert_timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:18:35.023262",
              "timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:17:31.000000",
              "message":"pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tt
                        y=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root"},
              "insert_timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:18:35.023262",
              "timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:17:32.000000",
              "message":"pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tt
                        y=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root"},
              "insert_timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:18:35.023262",
              "timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:17:33.000000",
              "message":"Failed password for root from port 52045 ssh2"},
              "insert_timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:18:35.023262",
              "timestamp":"2024-02-25 03:17:34.000000",
              "message":"Failed password for root from port 59486 ssh2"}],
    "Statistics":[{"Count": 10,
                    "Nodes": 1}]}