Fast Deployment of the Test Network

This document lists the steps to deploy a network of 4 nodes (master, query and 2 operators nodes).

A detailed description of every step is available in the Session II Deployment document.


  • 2 machines - either physical or virtual.
    • Machine A - deployed with Master, Query, Operator and a remote CLI.
    • Machine B - deployed with the second Operator.
  • Docker
  • Makefile

Prepare Machine(s)

  1. On both machines - Clone EdgeLake
    cd $HOME
    git clone
  2. Make sure ports are open and accessible
    Default Ports
    TCPRESTMessage Broker (Optional)

Master Node

  1. cd into docker-compose directory
  2. Update the params in docker_makefile/edgelake_master.env
      Key Params:
  3. Start Node
    make up EDGELAKE_TYPE=master

Validate Master Node

  1. View node logs - validate that the following services are enabled: TCP, REST, and Blockchain sync
    make logs EDGELAKE_TYPE=master
    Expected Output:
    EL edgelake-master +> 
    Process         Status       Details                                                                     
    TCP            |Running     |Listening on:, Threads Pool: 6                           |
    REST           |Running     |Listening on:, Threads Pool: 5, Timeout: 20, SSL: False  |
    Operator       |Not declared|                                                                           |
    Blockchain Sync|Running     |Sync every 30 seconds with master using:                   |
    Scheduler      |Running     |Schedulers IDs in use: [0 (system)] [1 (user)]                             |
    Blobs Archiver |Not declared|                                                                           |
    MQTT           |Not declared|                                                                           |
    Message Broker |Not declared|No active connection                                                       |
    SMTP           |Not declared|                                                                           |
    Streamer       |Not declared|                                                                           |
    Query Pool     |Running     |Threads Pool: 3                                                            |
    Kafka Consumer |Not declared|                                                                           |
    gRPC           |Not declared|                                                                           |
  2. Attach into master node
    make attach EDGELAKE_TYPE=master
  3. Execute test node to validate basic node configuration
    EL edgelake-master +&lt test node 
    Test TCP
    Test REST
    Test                                      Status                                                                
    Metadata Version                         |02a3d84c0017bbaea01a19780734d801                                       |
    Metadata Test                            |Pass                                                                   |
    TCP test using         |[From Node] edgelake-master@ running|
    REST test using |edgelake-master@ running                              |
    Note: The command test node validates the IP and Port used by the AnyLog protocol (Test TCP) and the REST protocol (Test REST). The REST IP and Port are offered by an EdgeLake service to communicate with 3rd parties applications via REST. If the REST port is not open to the outside world (and **binding** in the EdgeLake Node configuration is set to **False**), then the test will fail. Use the following process to manually test the connection: open a new terminal and run a curl -X GET {INTERNAL_IP}:{REST_PORT}
    root@alog-edgelake-node:~# curl -X GET -w "\n"
        edgelake-master@ running
  4. Detach from CLI - ctrl-d

Note: The TCP IP and Port (in the example - is used as the Network Identifier, which will be referenced by all members nodes that are assigned to this (test) network.

This IP and Port is assigned to the attribute called LEDGER_CONN on each peer node.

Operator Node(s)

The following configuration steps can be used for each deployed operator.

  1. cd into docker-compose directory
  2. Update the params in docker_makefile/edgelake_operator.env
      Key Params:
    • NODE_NAME - each operator should have unique value
    • LEDGER_CONN - should be set to the TCP connection of the Master Node (the value using the Master Node deployment example above)
    • CLUSTER_NAME - each operator should have unique cluster name
    • DEFAULT_DBMS - should be the same on both operators
    • ENABLE_MQTT - The default configurations can accept data from a third-party broker that's alrady running. By setting ENABLE_MQTT to true, data from this third-party broker will flow in automatically.
    • MSG_DBMS - should be set to the same value as DEFAULT_DBMS
    • Note: to deploy multiple operators on the same machine, make sure each operator is configured with unique port values
  3. Start Node
    make up EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator

Validate Operator Node

  1. View node logs - validate that the following services are enabled: TCP, REST, Operator, and Blockchain sync
    make logs EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator
    Expected Output:
    EL edgelake-operator +> 
        Process         Status       Details                                                                     
        TCP            |Running     |Listening on:, Threads Pool: 6                         |
        REST           |Running     |Listening on:, Threads Pool: 5, Timeout: 20, SSL: False|
        Operator       |Running     |Cluster Member: True, Using Master:, Threads Pool: {A2}    |
        Blockchain Sync|Running     |Sync every 30 seconds with master using:                   |
        Scheduler      |Running     |Schedulers IDs in use: [0 (system)] [1 (user)]                             |
        Blobs Archiver |Running     |                                                                           |
        MQTT           |Running     |                                                                           |
        Message Broker |Not declared|No active connection                                                       |
        SMTP           |Not declared|                                                                           |
        Streamer       |Running     |Default streaming thresholds are 60 seconds and 10,240 bytes               |
        Query Pool     |Running     |Threads Pool: 3                                                            |
        Kafka Consumer |Not declared|                                                                           |
        gRPC           |Not declared|                                                                           |
  2. Attach into operator node
    make attach EDGELAKE_TYPE=operator
  3. Execute test network to validate you're able to communicate with the nodes in the network
    EL edgelake-operator +> test network  
    Test Network
    Address               Node Type Node Name                     Status 
    ---------------------|---------|-----------------------------|------|  |operator |edgelake-operator            |  +   |    |master   |edgelake-master              |  +   |
  4. Detach from CLI - ctrl-d

Query Node(s)

  1. cd into docker-compose directory
  2. Update the params in docker_makefile/edgelake_query.env
      Key Params:
    • NODE_NAME - each query node should have unique value
    • LEDGER_CONN - should be set to the TCP connection of the Master Node
  3. Start Node
    make up EDGELAKE_TYPE=query

Validate Query Node

  1. View node logs - validate that the following services are enabled: TCP, REST, and Blockchain sync
    make logs EDGELAKE_TYPE=query
    Expected Output:
    EL edgelake-operator +>
        Process         Status       Details                                                                     
        TCP            |Running     |Listening on:, Threads Pool: 6                         |
        REST           |Running     |Listening on:, Threads Pool: 5, Timeout: 20, SSL: False|
        Operator       |Not declared|                                                                           |
        Blockchain Sync|Running     |Sync every 30 seconds with master using:                   |
        Scheduler      |Running     |Schedulers IDs in use: [0 (system)] [1 (user)]                             |
        Blobs Archiver |Not declared|                                                                           |
        MQTT           |Not declared|                                                                           |
        Message Broker |Not declared|No active connection                                                       |
        SMTP           |Not declared|                                                                           |
        Streamer       |Not declared|                                                                           |
        Query Pool     |Running     |Threads Pool: 3                                                            |
        Kafka Consumer |Not declared|                                                                           |
        gRPC           |Not declared|                                                                           |
  2. Attach into query node
    make attach EDGELAKE_TYPE=query
  3. Execute test network to validate you're able to communicate with the nodes in the network
    EL edgelake-query +> test network  
    Test Network
    Address               Node Type Node Name                     Status 
    ---------------------|---------|-----------------------------|------|  |operator |edgelake-operator            |  +   |    |master   |edgelake-master              |  +   |  |query    |edgelake-query               |  +   |
  4. Detach from CLI - ctrl-d

Commands & Queries

    Operator Commands
  • To see the data streams on a node
    get streaming
  • View the list of tables
    get virtual tables
  • View columns in a table - Replace [dbms name] with the name given to DEFAULT_DBMS in the config file.
    get columns where dbms=[dbms name] and table = rand_data
  • View data distribution (for each table)
    get data nodes
    Sample Queries - Replace [dbms name] with the name given to DEFAULT_DBMS in the config file.
  • Get Row Count
    run client () sql [dbms name] format=table "select count(*) from rand_data"
  • View timestamp and value
    run client () sql [dbms name] format=table "select timeestamp, value from rand_data"